Tool Authentication, Hybrid Automation, Assistance, Global Localization (8″ Fab)

200 mm fab: The LotTrack DisTags are attached to all 8″ wafer boxes. LotTrack LoadPort Reader and LotTrack ToolDisplays are implemented on all load ports of the tools. In addition, LotTrack SmartPlacer are installed on the flexible transport robots, enabling hybrid automation at the human-robot interface.

The Operator receives context-based assistance information, using the DisTag’s large display on wafer boxes, or the ToolDisplay at a tool. If a wafer carrier is placed on a load port of a tool, the LoadPort Reader detects the wafer carrier by reading its 1D/2D barcode. This enables an automatic tool start (“Load&Go” workflow). When a wafer box is placed on a SmartPlacer, the transport robot recognizes the wafer carrier in the wafer box. All wafer boxes are located anywhere in the fab with an accuracy of up to 0.5m in real-time.

Wireless communication with all LotTrack devices such as the DisTag, LoadPort Reader and SmartPlacer, as well as the DisTag localization, takes place via the LotTrack Antenna Lines. The LotTrack Control Suite processes all data and information and integrates the LotTrack system into the customer’s IT systems, such as MES and Dispatching Client.

The displayed LotTrack solution uses the following LotTrack components:

LotTrack Components

LotTrack DisTag COM

The DisTag is the central component of the LotTrack system and the basis for functions such as operator assistance, automated tool starts as well as global and place-based localization. As an intelligent man-machine interface, it is attached to all wafer boxes or SMIF pods and integrates several innovative technologies. Its high-contrast, low-power display and pick-by-light functionality enable operator assistance. Ultrasound, wireless technologies, motion sensors and optical sensors enable tool automation for load & go workflows and batch localization up to 0.5 m as well as place detection. The DisTag COM is battery powered and wirelessly communicates with the LotTrack Antenna Infrastructure.
  • Tool Automation

  • Operator Assistance

  • Lot Localization

  • Wireless Communication

LotTrack DisTag on an 8“ Wafer Box

Special holder systems enables an optimal position of the DisTag on the 8" wafer box. This allows an optimal operator assistance (inclination of the display and the LED). In addition, a small overhang of the DisTag on the wafer box avoids collisions during storage processes in stocker systems.
  • Easy Retrofit

LotTrack LoadPort Reader

The LotTrack LoadPort Reader enables Load & Go workflows for open-cassette fabs. The load ports of all tools in the fab are equipped with LoadPort Readers. LotTrack ID Cards with a 1D/2D barcode are attached to all wafer carriers. Alternatively, existing barcodes on the carriers can be used. When a carrier is placed on a load port, real-time authentication is performed through a barcode scan by the LoadPort Reader. This enables automatic tool starts.
  • Real-time Authentication

  • Automatic Tool Start

  • Load & Go Workflow

LotTrack ToolDisplay

The large LotTrack ToolDisplay is installed at tools. It provides operators with detailed information on each load port of the tool. The information for the ToolDisplay is provided by the customer's IT automation systems. The ToolDisplay is controlled wirelessly via the LotTrack Antenna Infrastructure and can be easily retrofitted.
  • Operator Assistance

  • Wireless Communication

  • Simple retrofitting of existing tools

LotTrack SmartPlacer

When a wafer box is placed on a LotTrack SmartPlacer, the device checks the integrity of the lot by comparing LotTrack ID Cards: Is the right wafer carrier in the right wafer box? In addition, the SmartPlacer is used for hybrid automation, where the lots placed on a transport robot can be identified. All actions are published wirelessly to the LotTrack system.
  • Place Localization

  • Realtime Authentication

  • Wireless Communication

  • Operator Assistance

LotTrack ID Card

The LotTrack ID Card is a smartcard equipped with RF and 1D barcode. It is used on wafer carriers, wafer boxes and transport robots for unique and secure identification.
  • Unique identification

LotTrack Antenna Line

The LotTrack Antenna Line interacts wirelessly with the LotTrack devices on the shop floor, such as the DisTag, LoadPort Identifier or LoadPort Reader. Its main functions are RFID communication with all wireless devices and global localization of wafer boxes and pods with an accuracy of up to 0.5 m. A LotTrack Antenna Line consists of individual antenna modules that can be easily and quickly attached to the cleanroom ceiling. Using Intellion's proven ceiling mounting system, the implementation time in the running fab is reduced to a minimum (easy retrofit).
  • Wireless Communication

  • Lot Localization

  • Easy installation (retrofit)

LotTrack Control Suite

As the backbone of the LotTrack solution, the LotTrack Control Suite links all manufacturing processes with MES, automation, dispatching or other IT clients. Software modules can be integrated into the LotTrack Control Suite via a comprehensive API. This allows to meet specific automation and IT needs of each fab.

Dr. Stephan Eisen | Managing Partner

I am looking forward to your call.

+41-71-280 81 81

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