Smart Automation for Semicon Fabs

LotTrack® is an automation and transport control solution for semiconductor fabs. The system is implemented in 12 fabs of Infineon Technologies, ST Microelectronics and Osram. LotTrack has proven highest availability for more than 15 years in 24/7 operation.

  • Automated Tool Starts

  • Hybrid Automation

  • Operator Assistance

  • Lot Localization

LotTrack in Operation

Live Impressions of the LotTrack Solution

Live Impressions of the LotTrack Solution

Tour through the fab of a customer. ©TVSUD Provence


LotTrack is based on four core features that can be combined modularly:

  • Automated Tool Starts: LotTrack enables automatic tool starts ("Load & Go workflow") by identifying wafer carriers or SMIF pods in real time, once an operator places them on a load port. Wafer carriers or SMIF pods can be identified via RFID, infrared or 1D/2D barcodes.
  • Hybrid Automation: For a "hybrid automation" between humans and robots, LotTrack provides various interfaces that enable seamless collaboration.
  • Operator Assistance: The DisTag is the interface between the operator and the LotTrack solution. It is attached directly to wafer boxes or SMIF pods. The large low-power display of the DisTag provides all process-relevant information to the operator, supporting him in his daily work. The integrated LED supports pick-by-light search processes.
  • Lot Localization: LotTrack offers different accuracy levels to localize wafer boxes and SMIF pods. The highest resolution level (global localization) offers an accuracy of < 0.5 m throughout the entire fab. Other options allow for area-based localization on shelves, transport trolleys or load ports. Zone-based localizations, e.g. for doorways, are also supported by gates.

LotTrack Benefits

Operator Productivity

Operators are relieved from unnecessary tasks.

Higher OEE

Automatic tool starts for lots enable a "Load & Go" workflow for all operators.

Reduced Cycle Time and WIP

LotTrack delivers full transparency for production logistics optimization.

Paperless Fab

All relevant information is available at the Point of Action.

Easy Fab Modernization

The LotTrack implementation takes place during fab operation, without any down time.

Customer Specific Solution

The modular design of the LotTrack system enables a tailor-made solution.

System Architecture

LotTrack's modular architecture includes four levels:

  • LotTrack DisTag: mobile device attached to wafer boxes or SMIF pods
  • LotTrack tool infrastructure: devices for automatic identification of wafer carriers or SMIF pods placed on load ports
  • LotTrack antenna infrastructure: the communication and localization infrastructure that integrates DisTags and the LotTrack tool infrastructure.
  • LotTrack Control Suite: software with API to the IT of the customer

In tight interaction with our customers, we configure the various LotTrack components to a tailor-made solution. This leads to an optimal fit of the customer's requirements while, at the same time, achieving the highest possible benefits. The following examples show different examples of customer-specific LotTrack system architectures.

Tool Authentication, Hybrid Automation, Assistance, Global Localization (8" Fab)

Operator Assistance and Global Localization (8" Fab)

Operator Assistance and Zone Localization (6" Fab)

Tool Automation, Assistance and Global Localization (SMIF Fab)

Tool Automation, Assistance and Place-Based Localization (SMIF Fab)

Tool Authentication, Hybrid Automation, Assistance, Global Localization (8" Fab)

Operator Assistance and Global Localization (8" Fab)

Operator Assistance and Zone Localization (6" Fab)

Tool Automation, Assistance and Global Localization (SMIF Fab)

Tool Automation, Assistance and Place-Based Localization (SMIF Fab)

Shop Floor Products

Infrastructure Products

LotTrack Facts


12 Fabs

are in operation at Infineon, ST Microelectronics and Osram


lots are controlled daily by LotTrack


operation since > 15 years with highest availability


"Smart Automation" solution in the semiconductor industry

Dr. Stephan Eisen | Managing Partner

I am looking forward to your call

+41-71-280 81 81

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